
Showing posts from November, 2018

Section 3 - Becoming

Activity - Process Fear I discussed a topic that I was having some anxiety about with my fiancee, Natalie. While I don't want to share the topic, it has to do with our upcoming marriage. At first I beat around the bush a little to get up the courage, and then I dove in. It wasn't very comfortable, but I pressed on and Natalie was super understanding and had lots of comforting things to say. It seemed like the discussion was over, but I was still feeling like I hadn't quite yet fully processed my fear for some reason. This led into a related topic I didn't know I was worried about until we started talking. Once we addressed that topic as well, I felt much better (though not perfect). It made me realize that these conversations don't always completely take our fear away, but they do allow us to understand it and deal with it in healthy ways. I'm so glad I was able to talk about it. Natalie is amazing. Things from Class Finding Mr. Right vs Becoming Mr. Ri...

Section 2 - Foundation Principles

Activity - Serving Others I do try to serve others on a regular basis, but I didn't know about this particular requirement until yesterday, so... - 5 :( Things from Class Unhealthy Family Dynamics - Tammy talked about a few types of unhealthy family behaviors such as parentification - allowing or encouraging a child to enter the parents' ecosystem or play a parental role with siblings. It is really helpful to understand and be able to recognize these unhealthy behaviors so that I can help others who may be in these situations (and I want to avoid them in my own family, too). Responding Well to Sexual Exploration in Children - I want to remember to practice responding to the following situations. Your 3 year old twins enjoy bathing with you. They ask questions about your body parts and how they work. You frequently see your 5 year old son with his hands down his pants. Your 7 year old daughter asks you what it means to be a virgin. You notice that your 10 year ...